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Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator gets an AI upgrade

We will hear a lot about artificial intelligence from Samsung this month. And that extends to its appliances. The 2024 Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator with AI Family Hub+ is the perfect example. 

Samsung plans to showcase this new refrigerator alongside other appliances at CES 2024. It’ll feature an “all-new AI Vision Inside” tech, which uses internal cameras to recognize food items placed in and taken out of the refrigerator. 

This Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator also gets “Vision AI” tech, which you should not confuse with the other AI feature. It can identify up to 33 fresh food items based on a predefined training data set of over a million food photographs. 

You can view and edit a food list on the Family Hub+’s screen to manually add expiration date information for items you want to keep track of. The Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator can show alerts through the 32-inch LCD for items about to expire.

This refrigerator also has a Fridge Manager feature to monitor the water filter status and let you know when to replace it. On the Family Hub+ screen, Samsung offers a one-click purchase option for new water filters via Amazon. (Of course, we assume this feature’s availability depends on your region.)

Feel like watching TikToks or YouTube videos while you cook? You can also easily mirror your Galaxy smartphones on the Family Hub+ screen, too. 

Software to go with the Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator

Samsung also ties in its software services to appliances like this new refrigerator to ensure you build a better relationship with your food. 

The Samsung Food app gets a “Personalize feature enhanced by Food AI,” which lets you adapt recipes to suit your dietary requirements. It also gets a new Image-to-Recipe function that uses enhanced Vision AI to recognize meals and food items from photos to suggest dishes you can make with these ingredients. 

Samsung Food also offers Tailored Meal Plans based on data it gets from your Samsung Health profile. 

This connectivity allows you to even send cooking instructions to different Samsung appliances so you’d know what you need to do for your next meal.

Is this the kitchen upgrade you’re looking for? Let us know!

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